The QLD DUI laws have been revised

In Queensland, the State Government amended its legislation for drink driving in 2011. This drink driving legislation introduced a mid-range drink driving offence, catching people with blood alcohol content (BAC) of between 0.1 and below 0.15.

What are the laws and penalties for drink driving?

What are the blood alcohol limits?

When driving in Queensland, it is important to know the blood alcohol limits. These limits are used when applying a certain penalty. There are different specified levels of blood alcohol concentration (BAC); namely:

  • No alcohol limit (0.00% or above);
  • General alcohol limit (0.05% or above);
  • Middle alcohol limit (0.10% or above);
  • High alcohol limit (0.15% or above)

Learner, P1 and P2 drivers have a zero-alcohol limit because they are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than experienced drivers. Under 0.05 is the legal limit for most other drivers on an open license, including overseas and interstate licence holders.

What are the penalties for drink driving?

The Queensland State Government have introduced even tougher penalties, even for minor offences, and will continue to do so.

In the past, you may have gotten away with being slightly over the 0.05 BAC limit, but with these new laws in place, you will be met with an instant licence suspension for 3 months and a fine of $561.00.

Essentially, these laws put the mid-range drink driving levels in line with the levels considered in the high-range category.

At a minimum, drivers who commit a lower-range drink-driving offence for the first time will have their licence suspended immediately for a period of three months, as well as being slapped with a hefty fine.

However, there are also a number of other penalties that you could face if caught drink driving, especially if this is not your first time driving under the influence. Such penalties include:

  • Licence suspension
  • Licence disqualification
  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Community service
  • Imprisonment
  • Alcohol Interlock Device requirement
  • Recording of a conviction

Drink driving is dangerous, and the Queensland Government have cracked down with tougher penalties and a zero tolerance policy for people who drive under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol affects different people in different ways and attempting to guess your blood alcohol concentration is at best, difficult and inaccurate, and at worst, a potentially fatal exercise . The only way to guarantee a safe trip home and not risking loosing your drivers licence is to not drink any alcohol at all or to have a ‘Plan B’ in place. ‘Plan B’ can be as simple as having a friend give you a ride or seeking out a taxi/Uber.

More information

Have you recently been caught driving under the influence or are you worried about the penalties you’re about to face and need some legal advice? Our team of experienced lawyers can help you understand all of your options – including whether you might be eligible to apply for a Work Licence or Special Hardship Order (SHO). Get in touch with our team today to ensure you understand all of the options available to you and to give to give you the best shot at not loosing your drivers licence.

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