Month: February 2020

  • Dangerous Driving in Queensland

    Dangerous Driving in Queensland

    Dangerous driving of a motor vehicle is an offence that captures those hooning, to those displaying reckless and deliberately careless behaviour. In some cases, these actions can even result in death or grievous bodily harm. In Queensland, the offence is serious, and depending on the type of conviction, the penalties can range from fines to…

  • MyWorkLicence’s DUI and Traffic Offence Solicitors

    Who are the MWL lawyers? The MyWorkLicence legal team are experience and have a proven track-record dealing with cases exactly like yours. If you’ve lost your driver licence, there are still options. Don’t start worrying just yet. You may not have to catch the bus or an Uber to work everyday. We offer two fixed-fee…

  • Commonly Broken Traffic Laws and Road Rules

    Commonly Broken Traffic Laws and Road Rules

    How good of a driver are you really – are you really familiar with all of the traffic laws and road rules? The Queensland Police Service have revealed that a driver refresher test shows that many of us either do not know the rules, or simply are not following them correctly. Here are some of…