Category: Uncategorized

  • Special Hardship Order Application

    What is a Special Hardship Order? According to Section 106 of Section Part 14 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Regulation Queensland: A person with a suspended open or provisional licence is eligible to apply for a special hardship order if the application is made for the same class of licence which was held by…

  • In Queensland, can the police speed?

    The offence of speeding The laws relating to most Queensland traffic offences are found in the Transport Operations (Road Use) Management Act (“the Act”). However, the speeding laws are found in s.20 Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules) Regulations (“the Regulations”). That section states: A driver must not drive at a speed over the speed limit applying to the driver for…

  • MyWorkLicence’s DUI and Traffic Offence Solicitors

    Who are the MWL lawyers? The MyWorkLicence legal team are experience and have a proven track-record dealing with cases exactly like yours. If you’ve lost your driver licence, there are still options. Don’t start worrying just yet. You may not have to catch the bus or an Uber to work everyday. We offer two fixed-fee…

  • DUI and Drink Driving Offences

    DUI and Drink Driving Offences

    Drink driving charges are considered serious charges and may implicate you in different ways based on the nature of the offence. If you have been charged with drink driving, one of the following conditions may apply to you: Drink driving: Section 79(1)- No prior charge Section 79 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act…

  • Speeding Fines QLD

    Speeding Fines QLD

    If your vehicle has been detected speeding by a speed camera, you will receive an infringement notice asking you to either pay a fine in 28 days, attend court or nominate a driver. If the vehicle is registered under two people, the person whose name appears first will receive the notice as the operator of…

  • Work Licence QLD

    Work Licence QLD

    What is a work licence? In QLD, a work licence allows you to drive for work purpose despite having been charged with an offence of drink or drug driving (DUI). A work licence may be requested if your work requires you to drive regularly, or it is a necessary condition of your employment, and not…

  • Careless Driving QLD

    Careless Driving QLD

    What is careless driving? Careless driving, or driving without consideration for the safety of road users, is a punishable offence and may attract a penalty of 40 units and/or 6 months imprisonment. According to section 83 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 it is: “Any person who drives a motor vehicle on…

  • Mobile phone detection camera hot spots revealed

    Mobile phone detection camera hot spots revealed

    In their first week, the phone detection cameras have caught more than 3,000 offending drivers in New South Wales. One of the offered explanations as to why so many drivers are being caught red-handed is that there aren’t any warning signs being used to warn motorists that there are phone detection cameras ahead, unlike speed…

  • Drivers busted committing common traffic offence by new AI technology

    Drivers busted committing common traffic offence by new AI technology

    How many motorists have been caught so far committing this offence? With the approval and implementation of approximately 45 fixed and mobile cameras across New South Wales on December 1, thousands of drivers have been caught using their phone behind the wheel. Over 3,300 offending motorists have been caught illegally using their mobile phone across…

  • Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program QLD

    Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program QLD

    What is the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program? Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program is a technology employed to deter drivers with a record of drink driving from starting or driving their vehicles without a mandatory breath check. A device called ‘Alcohol Ignition Interlock’ is installed to the ignition system of the vehicle, which requires the driver to…