Tag: law

  • Hooning Laws in Queensland

    Hooning Laws in Queensland

    Hooning Laws QLD Hooning is not just dangerous driving, it is something that causes a disturbance to individuals that reside in the neighbourhood. Queensland has some of the toughest anti-hooning laws in Australia, making it easier for the police to permanently confiscate vehicles caught being reckless. What is hooning? Hooning is a term used to…

  • Demerit Points – Queensland

    Demerit Points – Queensland

    Demerit Points    The demerits points scheme is a national standard applied across all States and Territories in Australia. Contrary to what many people believe, rather than “losing points” for driving offences, drivers actually start with zero points and accumulate points (up to a certain threshold) over a period of time.   How do demerit…

  • QLD Cycling Laws and Rules

    QLD Cycling Laws and Rules

    What laws and rules do cyclists need to adhere to in Queensland? There are quite a few things that cyclists need to know to ensure they are following the rules when riding on the road safely. Not knowing these or being unsure of the rules could be unsafe for the cyclist, fellow cyclists, motorists and…

  • Drug Driving Laws in Queensland

    Drug Driving Laws in Queensland

    Drug Driving Laws Drugs and driving are certainly not a good mix. As well as being illegal, drugs affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle. There is a zero tolerance for driving under the influence of a drug, and in Queensland, penalties will apply. Drug Driving Offences in Queensland Taking drugs, or being under…

  • MyWorkLicence’s DUI and Traffic Offence Solicitors

    Who are the MWL lawyers? The MyWorkLicence legal team are experience and have a proven track-record dealing with cases exactly like yours. If you’ve lost your driver licence, there are still options. Don’t start worrying just yet. You may not have to catch the bus or an Uber to work everyday. We offer two fixed-fee…

  • Commonly Broken Traffic Laws and Road Rules

    Commonly Broken Traffic Laws and Road Rules

    How good of a driver are you really – are you really familiar with all of the traffic laws and road rules? The Queensland Police Service have revealed that a driver refresher test shows that many of us either do not know the rules, or simply are not following them correctly. Here are some of…